The Walt Whitman Hypertext Archive
At the College of William and Mary at Williamsburg, Virginia.Feinberg Collection
Whitman's papers and photographs, and early editions of Whitman's works in the Library of Congress Special Collections.
Whitman, Walt. 1900. Leaves of Grass.
The Walt Whitman pages at Bartleby.com.
Reminiscences of Walt Whitman
An article by John Townsend Trowbridge, as originally published in The Atlantic Monthly in February 1902.
Walt Whitman Birthplace
Home page of the Walt Whitman Birthplace historic site in Long Island, NY.
Walt Whitman House
Home page of the Walt Whitman House historic site in Camden, NJ.
Walt Whitman on the Web
A review of various Walt Whitman web sites.
Mother Bloor Remembers Walt Whitman in Camden
From the autobiography of Ella Reeve Bloor.
Bon Echo Provincial Park
In August 1919, at this estate near Toronto, Horace took part in the dedication to Whitman of the Mazinaw Rock, which was renamed "Old Walt" and inscribed at its base with lines from Whitman's writings. He later saw a vision of Walt there, beckoning and saying to him "Come on". Horace died at Bon Echo on September 8, 1919.
"Mark Twain & Walt Whitman"
A talk delivered by Peter Salwen to the Mark Twain Association of New York in 1992.
Ingersoll's Tribute to Walt Whitman
Eulogy delivered at Whitman's funeral by his friend and supporter Robert J. Ingersoll.
A Visit to the Walt Whitman Mall
An idiosyncratic account of the Walt Whitman shopping mall in Huntington, New York.
Walt Whitman's Voice?
Considered by some to be an original Edison wax cylinder recording of Whitman's voice. MP3 format.
This page was created before the era of Google and Wikipedia. While I've tried to keep the links updated, please enjoy your own explorations of Walt Whitman's presence on the Web.